Blog Post Author Archive
The Collaborative Celebrates Price Chopper’s Healthy Stance
Manchester’s Price Chopper/ Market 32 store no longer sells tobacco and vape products. This is exciting, it’s quite a commitment by New York based Golub Corporation. Completely gone are the array of products that were hidden from customers in opaque cabinets and phased-out. 13 years ago The Collaborative partnered with Manchester’s Price Chopper to provide…
Lauren Ingersoll Joins the Team
The Black River Area Community Coalition (BRACC) is pleased to announce the revival of its organization now operating in full-swing under new leadership this year. BRACC’s new Projects Coordinator, Lauren Ingersoll, graduated from UVM in 2015 with a degree in Community Development and Applied Economics and has since been living in Andover, VT.
Lauren Ingersoll se une al equipo
Entrada de nuestro blogBRACC contrata a un coordinador de proyectosLa Black River Area Community Coalition (BRACC) se complace en anunciar el renacimiento de su organización, que este año funciona a pleno rendimiento bajo una nueva dirección. La nueva Coordinadora de Proyectos de BRACC, Lauren Ingersoll, se graduó en Desarrollo Comunitario y Economía Aplicada en la…