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A Message from Our Executive Director

October 2023 As a cherished supporter of The Collaborative, you have been integral in creating a community resilient to the harms of substance misuse. In a rapidly changing world, the paradox of connectivity through technology has given rise to a silent epidemic – isolation. The Surgeon General’s warning underscores the serious consequences of isolation on…

A Message From Our Executive Director

As we reflect on the past year, we’re filled with gratitude for your continued support of The Collaborative. Your generosity has made a significant impact on our community, fostering youth, families, and individuals’ ability to thrive. The Collaborative in recent years has undergone a remarkable journey of growth and adaptation. We’ve rebranded our programs to…

Bennington County youth are making smart choices

Let’s give a shout out to the young adults in Bennington County for making the healthy choice an easy choice. Overall, the data shines a positive light on young adults aged 18-25 in our region. Now more than ever, the community’s support of young persons is needed to build upon and keep the positive momentum going.

Our Website is Moving to a New Home - Downtime Anticipated

In late May-early June we will be moving our website’s home to a new web host! We expect at least 48 hours of interrupted service during that migration. If you visit this website and notice it’s down during that time, we encourage you to email or call us for any assistance you might need!

We're Hiring Collaborative Camp Summer Staff

Our Collaborative Camp is now hiring staff for our Summer camp season! We have three open positions to fill. Do you enjoy working with youth? Are you knowledgeable about positive discipline and have the ability to prioritize or manage multiple tasks? Can you seek assistance and delegate when needed? If you answered yes to these questions, we encourage you to apply!

Investing in Our Team's Growth and Development

At The Collaborative, we believe in fostering a positive workplace culture by taking a step back from our day-to-day tasks and investing in our team’s growth and development. That’s why we organize bi-annual Staff Retreats, where our team meets outside of the regular workplace to focus on team-building, visioning, brainstorming, goal-setting, and improving communication and collaboration. These retreats provide an opportunity for us to reinforce our core philosophies and create a sense of shared purpose that empowers our team to work together.

The Power of Conversation: A Refuse To Use Dialogue Night Report

This year, Dialogue Night, a hallmark event of RTU programming, was hosted by The Collaborative’s team of school-based reps at multiple events throughout the month of January. RTU is a youth substance misuse prevention and asset-building educational program that incentivizes the healthy choice of not using drugs and alcohol. This year’s RTU program focuses on building a “Community of Preventionists,” grounded in the idea that everyone in the community plays a part in substance misuse prevention.

Everyone Eats to End on March 31st

The Vermont Everyone Eats (VEE) program is a federally funded, short-term pandemic recovery initiative created to help restaurants, farmers, and eaters through the acute economic challenges of the COVID pandemic. The program, which began on August 1, 2020, will end on March 31, 2023.