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Boletín de junio de 2023

¡Lea las últimas y mejores noticias sobre The Collaborative, BRACC y nuestros otros socios comunitarios en nuestro boletín de junio de 2023!

Our Website is Moving to a New Home - Downtime Anticipated

In late May-early June we will be moving our website’s home to a new web host! We expect at least 48 hours of interrupted service during that migration. If you visit this website and notice it’s down during that time, we encourage you to email or call us for any assistance you might need!

Nuestro sitio web se traslada a una nueva sede - Se prevé un tiempo de inactividad

Este año hemos introducido tantas mejoras en nuestro sitio web que se merece un lugar mejor. A finales de mayo-principios de junio trasladaremos nuestro sitio web a un nuevo proveedor. El sitio web tendrá el mismo aspecto y seguirá estando disponible en thecollaborative.us, pero prevemos al menos 48 horas de inactividad durante el proceso de migración.

Register Now for RTU Spring-Summer Pilot Program

This year, The Collaborative is excited to announce that it is piloting a Spring and Summer RTU Program between April and July. Registration opened April 15th, and will close on May 31st. Visit the Spring/Summer RTU Program Portal to fill out your registration, and to access critical program information and updates. During this time, The Collaborative will host events focusing on developing healthy habits, engaging in positive relationships, and how to be a good digital and community citizen. We are deeply grateful to our partners at Vermont State Parks, Northshire Civic Center, Stratton Mountain Bike Park, and Vermont Macrame for providing incentives for participation.

Inscríbase ahora en el Programa piloto primavera-verano de RTU

Este año, The Collaborative se complace en anunciar que está poniendo a prueba un Programa RTU de primavera y verano entre abril y julio. La inscripción se abrió el 15 de abril y se cerrará el 31 de mayo. Visite el Portal del Programa RTU Primavera/Verano para rellenar su inscripción y acceder a información crítica y actualizaciones del programa. Durante este tiempo, The Collaborative organizará eventos centrados en el desarrollo de hábitos saludables, la participación en relaciones positivas y cómo ser un buen ciudadano digital y de la comunidad. Estamos profundamente agradecidos a nuestros socios de Vermont State Parks, Northshire Civic Center, Stratton Mountain Bike Park y Vermont Macrame por incentivar la participación.

May Newsletter

This month is mental health month! Some of our exciting announcements in May include welcoming new board member, Dr. Meghan Ward, highlighting our summer programming offerings and events, Youth Appreciation Month, and several health resources. We are also hiring for our Collaborative Camp!

Boletín de mayo

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We're Hiring Collaborative Camp Summer Staff

Our Collaborative Camp is now hiring staff for our Summer camp season! We have three open positions to fill. Do you enjoy working with youth? Are you knowledgeable about positive discipline and have the ability to prioritize or manage multiple tasks? Can you seek assistance and delegate when needed? If you answered yes to these questions, we encourage you to apply!

Estamos contratando personal para el campamento de verano en colaboración

El Collaborative busca cubrir tres puestos vacantes en su programa Collaborative Camp este verano. Buscamos trabajadores a tiempo completo que estén disponibles entre el 26 de junio y el 4 de agosto para un trabajo divertido y práctico dirigiendo a los jóvenes de nuestro programa de campamentos.

April Newsletter

The Collaborative’s Executive Director Awarded 2023 Prevention Champion! Maryann Morris, Executive Director of The Collaborative received the 2023 Prevention Champion Award announced by Board of Directors Co-Chairs Kathy O’Reilly and Mark Weikert. The Prevention Champion Award honors recipients who help to keep Vermonters and their communities safe through their involvement in and promotion of substance misuse prevention.

Also learn about our Collaborative Camp and new Spring/Summer Refuse To Use programming options, upcoming events, and prevention resources! Interested in working with us? Learn about open positions with the summer Collaborative Camp!